Saturday, June 25, 2005

Tom Cruise Says ....

I don't know if you've heard or read any of what Tom Cruise has said about the use of Anti-depressants or other psyciatric drugs but this has angered me. He feels they don't help, they actually hurt people in the long run. There are natural products that can help and the meds just mask/or help you cope with what is going on.
Well, I thought the whole point of the meds was to make life easier, while you tried to figure out what was causing all the pain and turmoil to begin with. Yes, we know that to get off these meds, we must ween ourselves off under doctor supervision. We also know, that for some of us, who have had major depressive episodes, these meds are life savers. Some people wouldn't be here if it was not for these meds. Those natural products don't always work and they are not regulated so you never know how much of the product you are really getting.
I would like to see Tom Cruise if he was battling Major Depression and the natual ways did not work. Would he still say medications were not the way to go if he couldn't get himself out of bed in the morning? Thinking of suicide all the time? Couldn't get himself to do anything? Sometimes medication is all about getting yourself to a point where you are able to function, jump start yourself, so you can move onto the next step.
I for one hope, that most people don't take what he says to heart and start to take themselves off medication. Coming off medication is a decision that has to be made with your therapist, doctor and yourself. If you are on multiple medications, you need to decide which one goes first. Tom Cruise is actually doing a unjustice to the public who can be so vulnerable.
I don't usually get so passionate about these issues but when someone who is in the public eye comes out against something, which a large number of the population uses for many different reasons, one can only pray, the public is smarter than to fall right into his trap without at least speaking to their therapist.