Friday, July 15, 2005

Did You know?

That when you are in REM sleep you are suppose to be paralyzed from the neck down! I didn't know that until last night when I went for my sleep study and it was explained to me. Though some of us during REM sleep actually move around. This just means that our bodies aren't getting the rest that is needed so we can function properly the next day.

The sleep study: I can't even tell you how many wires they actually attached to my head with this cement like stuff (that I'm still trying to get out of my hair). They put sensors above your eyes, on your legs, an ekg patch and something to check your breathing. And let's not forget the sensor that goes on your finger to check for the oxygen level.

It takes a little getting used to being all "wired" up but sleep I did. The good news is, I didn't have enough episodes during my sleep where they needed to put a mask on me but I did have some episodes. The report will go to my doctor and he will determine if I need to go back and get fitted for a mask.
I was told that I move around a lot and I did snore but, not as loud as some have told me I do!

I managed to stay in bed all night and not get up and walk around, which I guess is a good thing since I couldn't go very far all hooked up to those wires.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the results to get to my doctor and for him to contact and let me know what the next step is.

My next "fun" medical activity is a colonoscopy in August.
And then I need to get my TSH level tested, watch what I eat, exercise - all in the name of good health. No one should have this much fun

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