Sunday, July 08, 2007

Time Marches On

Things have been a little busy around here lately as I try to stay on top of everything that is going on.

Everything with my surgery went fine. I went to my follow-up appointment and all was well. Unless I have any problems, I don't have to go back to see him until next year.

My friend Maggie (who has Lupus), was in the hospital for about a week but didn't tell any of us until after she was released. She was in the cardiac care unit. Her Lupus has attacked her heart. It is moving into more of her organs. She didn't want to tell any of us because she didn't want us to worry.
We not only worry about her physical health, we all worry about her mental health.
Her husband just doesn't want to get it. It is all about him and he doesn't care how Maggie feels. If things are done the way he wants he isn't happy. The only thing to his credit is he does work 2 jobs. What he did so wrong this time around, was not take any time off from either job while she was in the hospital. He didn't even ask. It was an inconvience for him. He had to make sure that their son had a place to be during the day and night. He wouldn't ask for time off because he's going out to CA. in August. His true colors showed through this time around. He has never wanted to see what Maggie couldn't do but this is the worst he has been.
I believe he understands she can't do everything and that her Lupus limits how much she can actually get done but I don't think he wants to "see" it. He just expects her to keep doing no matter what.

So, for her sanity and health, Cami and Lydia, will be going to NJ to get Maggie and Ryan and bring them to NC when Maggie gets the all clear from her Doctor (probably in August). She will get some well needed rest and Ryan will get to have some fun and not worry about his Mom. Something he doesn't get to do very often.

Robert is coming down this coming weekend. He is flying down on Friday night and going back on Sunday, early evening. It's always a short stay when he comes down but it sure is better than him not coming down at all. It's hard to let him go after he's been here. I just want him to stay home with me.
That day is coming soon and I'm happy about it. The plan is: he will be moving down in August, sometime after the 18th. I'll check my work schedule and any appointments that I have and see if I can fly up and then drive back with him. It's been a long time coming. I know there will be an adjustment period since we haven't lived together before. There are also some other issues that need to be cleared up but they will all get handled in time. But that will happen.

Things are finally falling into place. Sometimes we just have to wait before the good things happen.

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