Saturday, April 24, 2004

Would you believe - the start of good news

My lawyer called yesterday at about 5:30 pm. He thought he would make my weekend just a little nicer.

The bitch's lawyer called him yesterday to let him know that she had a commitment from the Credit Union for the money. I don't know what type of loan she has taken out and I don't really care as long as I get the amount that we proposed to them since they never came back to say they did not agree with it. We have asked for proof of the committment, as her own lawyer has.

It seems that her lawyer has finally wised up with her and told her that if she didn't get moving and do something, she would have to find a new lawyer. I have to admit, I'm surprised that she didn't do this way before this time. At least her lawyer has finally seen her for what/who she is.

We are hoping to hear something by the end of the week but, I'm actually hoping that we hear something sooner. She must have a written committment on the loan/mortgage that all she really needs to do is get her ass to the lawyers office so they can make a copy. We also would like to see if we can find out a time frame as to when all the different steps will happen. So, we just may be able to avoid court after all. It will be interesting to see if she actually has taken out the loan for the amount that we requested. I will not walk out of the "closing" with a check for less then the price that we offerec.

I will keep you posted on what is happening...

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